> > I tried to set PerlSetEnv/PerlPassEnv variables as described in the
> > It was difficult for me to do it properly as I did it for the first
time. I
> > even could set them incorrectly. Besides that, my mod_perl2 was
> > and set up properly (it works excellently); but saying about Apache::DBI
> > module I should note that there isn't any mention about those variables
> > the corresponding man. Hence, it's most probably, those variables can
not be
> > a cause of my problem.
> The docs for Apache::DBI don't mention explicitly which
> environment variables to set, as this varies from database
> to database. Some databases may require certain environment
> variables to work; these may be visible in a cgi
> environment, but need the PerlSetEnv/PerlPassEnv directives
> in a mod_perl environment.
> To see if you do need such environment variables,
> try (without Apache::DBI) a mod_perl script or handler
> that connects to your database and does some simple
> operation. Does that work?
 Yes, it does. Yesterday I've described it in details in another
message with the
"Re: Connection to PostgreSQL DataBase with Apache::DBI"
that addressed
To: Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copy: modperl@perl.apache.org <modperl@perl.apache.org>

Of course, I'd trying it without Apache:DBI installed as well as
without PerlSetEnv/PerlPassEnv set. It's probably, I'll be forced
to spend a few time to compose my bug report as described in
the mod_perl guide, but I'm not sure that it should be for this
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