After my sql server goes off line, Apache::DBI consistently fails, even
after the sql server comes back online:
 null DBI connect('server=;database=SCD','user01',...) failed:
 null: DBD::Sybase::st execute failed: OpenClient message: LAYER = (0)
ORIGIN = (0) SEVERITY = (78) NUMBER = (38)
 null: Server, database
 null: Message String: Write to SQL Server failed.

the only way i've found to fix the problem is to restart apache.

I'm using:
Solaris 5.8
Perl 5.8.3
Apache 1.3.33
mod_perl 1.29 (compiled with correct callback hooks & as static module)
DBI 1.49
FreeTDS 0.63
DBD::Sybase 1.07
Apache::DBI 0.9901

I've tried modifying the ping sub inside DBD::Sybase, making it
virtually identical to the generic ping listed in the Apache::DBI docs
-- the behavior didnt change.

any suggestions?


Jeremy Kister

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