This is the main difference:

        you need those 2 lines
there's a negligible speed/memory overhead. you'd barely notice it if you ran some severe benchmarking tests
        when mod_perl is updated, you just recompile the mod_perl module

        you don't use those 2 lines
        the mod_perl stuff is compilied into Apache
        You'll need to recompile Apache every time you update mod_perl.

I would strongly advise using the DSO - its way easier to keep on top of updated mod_perl releases

On Dec 20, 2005, at 2:17 AM, LUKE wrote:

How to setup httpd.conf ? when i using static (non-DSO) mod_perl.

========DSO mod_perl httpd.conf =======
LoadModule perl_module modules/
PerlRequire "/usr/local/perlmods/"

Will i need recomplie apache when i modify my (perl)code , when using
non-DSO mod_perl?

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