I fwd'd this to a friend with commit access to twisted. hopefully i'll get a response on clarification.

But from what I understand, the Twisted networking framework works like this: The twisted 'reactor' is single threaded. It uses select by default, you can use poll. The docs suggest that one can specify a multithreaded reactor, but I'm not quite sure. The docs also specify a threadpool, and it seems that the deferred callback system has been implemented into it.
CherryPy is a http server framework for python, and that supports a single or multi threaded server mode.

On Dec 21, 2005, at 12:23 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote:

On Tue, 2005-12-20 at 14:42 -0800, Ken Simpson wrote:
Alas, if only the Perl interpreter was truly thread safe and did not
clone a new interpreter for each thread, we could just use
threads... Those Python people have it good in some ways.

Not that good really. As I understand it, the Python interpreter has a global lock when using threads. That's probably part of the reason why
the most popular server framework for Python, Twisted, is single-

- Perrin

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