Hi all,
However, what I need to be able to do is let someone
have a running mod_perl 2 setup and dynamically "pull in" the above
information from an external file or add that information via Perl (in
other words, I don't want to touch the default httpd.conf file).  How
the heck do I do that?

Since I'm the one who's asked Curtis to look into this, let me see if I can elaborate a little.

What we have is a complex application that needs to do quite a bit of configuration (set up an access handler, a cleanup handler, a response handler, allow the default handler for images, etc., etc., ad nauseum). When users install it, we don't want them to have to add a tone of stuff to their httpd.conf just to get all of it going. What we'd rather have is something like this:

   <Location /myapp>
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlPostConfigHandler MyApp::Apache2::config

The idea is that MyApp::Apache2::config() would figure out that it was in a Location context with a value of /myapp, and then configure its handlers relative to that location. The result would be the equivalent of:

   <Location /myapp>
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlResponseHandler MyApp::Apache2
     PerlAuthenHandler   MyApp::Apache2::authen
     PerlCleanupHandler  MyApp::Apache2::cleanup

   # REST
   <Location /myapp/rest>
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlResponseHandler MyApp::Apache2::rest

   # Static files:
   <Location /myapp/ui>
     SetHandler default-handler

Only dynamically configured. The context could be either a Location directive for an existing host name, or a virtual host directive, so that the application would then run in that entire domain.

Now, I've done something similar to this for mod_perl1 in Bricolage. There, the entirety of the httpd.conf configuration that the user has to do is this:

PerlModule Bric::App::ApacheConfig

Yes, that's it. Bric::App::ApacheConfig pulls in virtual host information from its own configuration file, and then builds up all of the configuration it needs for that host by adding literal httpd.conf directives to $Apache::ReadConfig::PerlConfig. That works, but I'd like to do away with the requirement of a dedicated host, and I'd like to do it all in mod_perl2 at server startup time.

Does that make things clearer? Is there an equivalent to $Apache::ReadConfig::PerlConfig in mod_perl2, perhaps? Or better yet, is there now an API for dynamically configuring Apache from mod_perl2?



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