
This should be very easy but apache is not letting me
do this.  I have a list of file names stored in an
array.  The list is created as follows:

  push @resizeList, $img->{path} . $img->{file};

The list is passed to a package via a new method as

  my $imageResize = Ishare::Classes::ImageClass->new(
     resize_list => [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  } );

The new method is as follows:

sub new {
    my $this = shift;
    my $class = ref($this) || $this;
    my $objRef = shift;

    bless $objRef, $class;
    return $objRef;

Now, when I want to iterate over my list:

sub resizeImgs {
    my $self = shift;
    foreach my $file( @$self->{resize_list} ) {

I get the following error:

Not an ARRAY reference at
line 193.

However, when I print out the reference type of
$self->{resize_list}, I get 'ARRAY'.  When I print out
$self->{resize_list} using Data::Dumper::Simple, I

@_ = (

which looks like an array reference.  So what is the

Help greatly appreciated!



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