HI, All.
I had configure the mod_perl environment, it is here:

Alias /perl/ /home/ghw/myperl/webproject/
 PerlSwitches -T
 <Location /perl>
       AddHandler perl-script .pl
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
       PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
       Options +ExecCGI
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all

Ok, I will wirte a Perl source code, it can run very good.
but  if I put a jpeg format file int to dircitory : /home/ghw/myperl/webproject/, the error is occour.

the log file record like that:
[Mon Jan 16 09:54:06 2006] [error] Unrecognized character \\xFF at /home/ghw/myperl/webproject/12.jpg line 1.\n

I guess the mod_perl think the jpeg file is perl source code, so it try run it. but it failed.

and I will how to configure the file to mod_perl don't think the jpeg file is perl source code?



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