When I try to run PerlSwitches "-Ic:/ps" I get:

     'PerlSwitches' is not recognized as an internal or external
command, operable program or batch file.

If you mean to add those switches to the Perl command, it goes back
to my original question: Where?  Where is the script on Windows that
starts Apache?  Where is the modperl command that starts Perl so that
I can add the switches on Windows?

Thanks in advance.


On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 10:53:45 +0800, Foo Ji-Haw wrote:
>PerlSwitches "-Ic:/ps"
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Pete Alvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <modperl@perl.apache.org>
>Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 1:28 AM
>Subject: Re: Edit .pm file; Why must bounce Apache?
>>Thanks!  I'm 90% of the way there.  But I have a @INC issue:
>>I've been using:
>>use lib 'C:/ps';
>>to specify where my Perl modules are.  According to:
>>I need to modify @INC when the server is started.  I tried this:
>>PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB C:/ps
>>at multiple points in httpd.conf and it seems to have no effect. I
>>still get this:
>>[Sat Jan 21 10:07:08 2006] [error] Can't locate FormManager.pm in
>>@INC (@INC contains: C:/Program Files/Perl/lib C:/Program
>>Files/Perl/site/lib . C:/Apache2) at C:/ps/FormManagerWebTest line
>>10.\nBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:/ps/FormManagerWebTest
>>line 10.\n
>>in the error log when I re-start Apache.  As an alternative the
>>says to add this:
>>PERL5LIB=C:/ps; export PERL5LIB
>>to the "script that starts Apache."
>>==> Does anyone know where this file is on Windows?  What directory
>>to look in?  I've Googled and I can't find it.  Apache is running
>>a service on my Windows XP laptop.
>>Peter Alvin
>>mobile 719.210.3858
>>AJAX consultant,
>>PHP, Perl, .Net, Java,
>>Search Engine Optimization,
>>and Human Factors Web Consulting
>>On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 17:00:07 +0100, Jens Gassmann wrote:
>>>Hi Pete,
>>>>Is there a setting I can change to make modperl look to see if
>>>>files have changed so I don't have to keep re-starting Apache?
>>>take a look at Apache2::Reload

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