Chase Venters wrote:
> Peter... sorry if I can't answer your question more directly, but I will
> say that running under mod_perl 1.99 at this point, whether or not your
> distribution ships a mod_perl 2.0, is probably unadvisable. It's
> unfortunate that we've had to endure an API change, but given that 1.99
> was never officially branded for production use, you're going to have a
> harder time finding support for problems or even support for its version
> of the API.

That's understandable.

However... now I've ported the application to mod_perl 2.0 proper on
Debian Etch, and MIME::Lite _still_ causes segmentation faults.

libmime-lite-perl       3.01-6
libapache2-mod-perl2    2.0.1-4

When I "use MIME::Lite;"
The first request is handled fine, but the second request i served, the
apache process segfaults.

"child pid ... exit signal Segmentation fault (11)"

Sadly... my simple test example no longer seems to provoke the bug.

Peter Mogensen

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