On Saturday 04 February 2006 02:45 am, Derek Robson wrote:

> DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=answerguy;host=elmo.elmo.theanswerguy.co.n
>z", "robsonde", "ur4xgod",

I don't know what the problem with your code is, but you probably should 
change your password now that you've told everyone. :)

>                           {'RaiseError' => 1});

Try adding "PrintError=>1" to that, sometimes I've found that gets you 
something where RaiseError does not (not sure why, I never poked around to 
find out).

Pity is an emotion that can get you killed. The only thing more
dangerous is blind hate, and perhaps love.
- Anita Blake, 'Guilty Pleasures' - Laurell Hamilton

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