On Tue, 7 Feb 2006 16:10:47 +0800
Ken Perl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi,
> I'd like to set a breakpoint at the first line in the module's
> handler, sub handler {
>         my $r = shift;       <-- here
>          ...  ...
>        $r->set_handlers(PerlResponseHandler => \&contentHandler);
> }
> So, I tried PerFixupHandler, PerlHandler  and PerlInitHander
> respectively in below Location directive, but all didn't stop at the
> point I wanted, instead, It always stopped at  the line of
> '&contentHandler',
>                 <Location />
>                         PerlInitHandler +Apache::DB
>                 </Location>
> what I did wrong?

  Hi Ken, 

  You don't set break points or really do anything in your configuration
  files when working with the interactive debugger. The only proper way
  to use Apache::DB is in the PerlFixupHandler... nothing else is going
  to work right for you.  

  Provided you have Apache::DB setup correctly and running Apache with
  the -X option you should see in your terminal window the interactive
  debugger session which you can type into. 

  To set a break point you'd type 'b <subname>' or 'b <line number>',
  etc. You can see more options in man perldebug. 

  Hope this helps. 
   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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