You could alter your SQL to use fully qualified table names, then you don't 
need to execute the use statment.


SELECT whatever 
FROM database.table
WHERE id = key

instead of

SELECT whatever 
FROM table
WHERE id = key

This works in the version in mysql 4 and greater for sure, and quite possibly 
in older versions as well.

-----Original Message-----
From: Boysenberry Payne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 10:14 AM
To: mod_perl
Subject: Re: I'm getting max connection errors for Apache::DBI

The only difference in each connection is the database. I tried connecting 
to the same database then using $h-do( "USE new_database" ); But it doesn't 
switch to the new database (works fine using DBI.) 

I decided as a temporary hack I'd try the following: 

sub clean_processes { 

        my $self = shift; 
        my $dbs = $self->{dbs}; 
        my $h = $dbs->{local}; 
        my $sth = $h->prepare( "SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST" ) or warn "error " . 
        $sth->execute or warn "error " . $h->errstr; 
        my $tbl_ary_ref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); 
        return unless( int( @$tbl_ary_ref ) > 50 ); 
        foreach( @$tbl_ary_ref ) { 
                if( $_->{Command} ) { 
                        if( ( $_->{Command} eq "Sleep" ) || ( $_->{Command} eq 
"Killed" ) ) { 
                                if( $_->{Time} ) { 
                                        warn "Killing ID: $_->{Id} USER: 
$_->{User} DB: $_->{db}"; 
                                        my $sth2 = $h->prepare( "KILL $_->{Id}" 
) or warn "error " . $h->errstr; 
                                        $sth2->execute or warn "error " . 

Not only does it not kill the processes, but it stops allowing for a connection 
to any database giving the following error: 
[error] [client] DBD driver has not implemented the AutoCommit 
attribute at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Apache/ line 250.\n, 

When I watch the error_log and the      $Apache::DBI::DEBUG = 2 I get one of 
the two following: 
need ping: yes 
12844 Apache::DBI new connect to 
12844 Apache::DBI disconnect (overloaded) 
need ping: yes 
12848 Apache::DBI already connected to 
12848 Apache::DBI disconnect (overloaded) 

I will be a list of them 5 at a time (I'm guessing one for each child.) Then as 
long as I only use that database no problem. As soon 
as I switch databases which is the only thing that changes in my new 
connections, I spawns all new database threads. So if I have 
100 databases to connect to I get ( 100 * as many child apache process as the 
requests came in on). I don't think setting my max 
connections 700+ makes sense especially since the remaining connections are 
shown as sleeping. 

Is there a way to connect to more than one database without spawning "extra" 
mysql connections? 
Also, my local development is on OSX, where as my production environment is Red 
Hat Linux. 
I'm using Apache2 and MP2 for both, only proxy in the production environment 

PS For some reason my email responses aren't making it to the list, sorry... 

Boysenberry | | 

On Feb 8, 2006, at 6:22 PM, Perrin Harkins wrote: 

On Wed, 2006-02-08 at 11:51 -0600, Boysenberry Payne wrote: 
What I'm seeing is 37 mysql threads being created for 7 apache 
children. It would seem as 
though I would need to create a 5/1 ratio of mysql connections to 
apache children. Is that normal? 

No. If you use the same connection info every time, you should only see 
one connection per child. If you have two databases, you should see two 
connections per child. Maybe you are still not using the same connect 
string each time? The debug output should tell you if it thinks it has 
a connection already or not. 

- Perrin 

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