what DB are you using?

if you're using mysql, try opening a mysql client and doing a :
        show processlist

it'll give you all the info on current connections

you can also turn on the querylog in the my.cnf file and have a terminal tail -f it -- it'll show you all the process ids and what commands they're executing

its incredibly useful during testing on your own machine when you have 1 request then anaylyze the logs, but that would totally useless in a production environment.

there's equivalent stuff in postgress, but I can't recall what it is, and mysql is fresh in my mind.

fwiw, i do all my connections at autocommit=0 now. i had too many issues with autocommit @1 when a script died mid transaction. i also use 5 seperate DB handles per webapp

1 config - used at startup, has read privs on X tables to pull in config info.
        2 logger - has read/write on logging tables/db
        3 session - has read/write on session tables/db
        4 reader - has read on main data tables
        5 writer - has read/write on main data tables

on my dev box, they all use the same connect args as i'm doing local testing for production though, i write everything to I can jump to a clustered db configuration by just redefining the connect args.

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