PerlTransHandler Apache2::Const::OK

I didn't take the time to read the entire thread, but based on the
suggestion of using default-handler I figured the goal was something like this

PerlTransHandler My::Foo

<VirtualHost foo >
  # unset the above trans handler

if that's the case then you want to return DECLINED instead of OK. OK means that translation was completed and the httpd default _should not run_, while
DECLINED means translation has not yet completed and the httpd default
_should run_.

I was initially thinking to use DECLINED but then I thought that the My::Foo transhandler would run after the vhost handler, ergo transhandlers in vhosts and the main httpd config would be stacked (that's where I was wrong), so OK would be appropriate (which it is not). Sometimes I wish I had a poster of the request lifecycle loop from the cookbook on my wall to remind me that apache is still involved after mod_perl does its work :)

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