On Feb 17, 2006, at 4:45 AM, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
Yes, and you also forgot to say about the speed of this templating system
which is very low comparing with other templating systems.


Petal is slow because of the way is implemented. Template::Tal i s a bit faster, but doesn't cache. The bulk of the slowness in each is from turning the XML template into perl code If you compile templates on startup, that becomes a non factor.

In a production environment,  I found this:
HTML::Template::JIT was the fastest. it averaged something like . 0003 seconds
        Template::Toolkit was around .003
        Petal was around .008 (without pre-caching)

my application logic was about .08

so i began to stop caring about the relative speeds of templating systems. theres barely any speed to be gained in them. the rest of your code has the potential for far greater speedups

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