On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 21:23:11 +0100
"Daniel McBrearty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm currently using mysql, but I'm considering changing over to
> firebird or postgre.
> Anyone have any reasoned loves/hates/useful experiences to pass on?

  I too love PostgreSQL and use it for everything.  Along with Tyler's
  comments, you can also write your stored procedures in Perl with
  PL/Perl which is nice. 

  And on systems with few users, yes MySQL is faster, but most
  benchmarks I've seen PostgreSQL starts to win out when you have
  greater than 5-10 simultaneous users. But I also believe those numbers
  were run with the next to last stable releases of both products so
  it may have moved in one direction or another since then. 

  Note however that PostgreSQL's default configuration is not optimal
  for most systems.  It is a lowest common demoninator configuration,
  here is an article I wrote awhile back that has become one of the
  main tuning guides: 


   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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