Hi there -

I'm using mod_perl right now for handling my Subversion repository
permissions, and it's working (mostly) great!

I'm trying to add a LimitExcept directive so that I can keep developers
from committing to tags (basically, they get to create a tag, then they're
done) but I can't get mod_perl to play nice here:


$Location{"/$svn_location/$name"} = {
DAV => "svn",
SVNPath => "$svn_path/$name",
SVNIndexXSLT => "/svnindex.xsl",
SVNAutoversioning => "on",
AuthType => "Basic",
AuthName => "\"$name Login\"",
AuthUserFile => "$path/htpasswd",
AuthGroupFile => "$path/htgroup",
Require => "group $name",

$Location{"/$svn_location/$name/tags"} = {
          Deny => "from all",


The first location directive works great, but the second does not, and
fails with this error:

Syntax error on line 1094 of /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf:
$parms->add_config() has failed: deny not allowed here at
Sections.pm line 203.\n

Is what I'm trying to do here possible? If I take out the "Deny" the conf
file runs just fine, but of course then the directive doesn't do me much


Ed Wittmann 

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