On 3/13/06 3:07 PM, "Boysenberry Payne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Since we're on the subject of CGI vs libapreq.  I've moved to using
> Apache2::Request
> and APache2::Cookie with no problems.   Now I'm wondering if there
> isn't an equivalent
> for the rest of what CGI.pm offers.  In particular, I wondering about
> it's html tag output.
> Are there any Apache2 equivalents?  If not, are there other modules
> that will do the same
> but only concentrate on the html output (javascript would be nice too?)
>   I'm hoping to
> not have to compile the CGI module.  My RSHRD = 23.1 M already.  I'm
> guessing that's
> pretty big.  Any ideas?

Move over to a templating system like HTML::Template or (my favorite)
Template Toolkit.  It is worth your while to do so, in my opinion.


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