> It's been a while since I set up the server but I
> think I did it because setting up the apache config
> file was easier.  And the redirect works under normal

What's the big deal, in my idea Registry is only helpful if you want to
speed up your CGI-Scripts not for new development and many times
registry creates problems because of accidentally created closures.

<Location /rocks>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlResponseHandler  MyApache2::Rocks

> circumstances, but not when coming from an internal
> redirect.  What is the difference?  Is there another
> way to perform the redirect in registry mode?

Where form do you retrieve your $r?


> http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/coding/cooking.html#Sending_Cookies_in_REDIRECT_Response__ModPerl__Registry_

Take a look at the paragraph below this link and you'll see a redirect
issued from a normal handler. It looks like there's a difference between
registry and normal handlers.

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