 I'm trying to assist another dept. at my work, to provide a reverse-proxy 
service with our apache based mod_perl application.  This other dept. wanted to 
leverage our custom PerlAuthenHandler for security reasons, yet they desire 
just a pass-thru proxy request to their application tier on behalf of the 
client.  Since the authentication phase happens after the header parsing/URI 
translation phase (where mod_proxy is executed I believe), is there a way to 
invoke mod_proxy functionalty after the authentaction phase?  Perhaps in the 
content/response phase?
 I currently have a homegrown, LWP based solution that is almost working from 
the response phase, but it would be much better (and faster) if I could take 
care of this prior to getting to the response phase.
 Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
 - Jeff

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