Ok, thanks for you help guys.  I've got the answer now and its

Sorry for the post here.  I was posting a couple of other questions
here and didn't think about this not being related to mod_perl.
Mod_perl is where I'm using it though.

Thanks again.

On Fri, 31 Mar 2006 05:41:32 -0800, Steve Thames <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Consider this:
>       my %names = (Bob => 'Robert Brower');
>       my $caption = 'Name: $names{Bob)';
>       print  eval "qq|$caption|";
>If you can't see it, there is a syntax error in $caption: closing
>paren ) instead of brace }.  The eval will produce no $@ and will
>return the empty string.
>As screwy as this looks, I have a very good reason for using this
>capability.  I have written a powerful code generation tool that
>relies heavily on this.  
>Does anyone have any idea how to capture the syntax error in a case
>like this?

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