On Mon, 5 Jun 2006, Simon Wray wrote:

When trying to use the ppm shell to remove "mod_perl-2.2" I am told that
it is not installed.

After that I have tried the new script you indicate. This again
retrieves the files and performs a checksum and then goes on to a second
set of commands. The DOS window appears to quickly flash a message that
*I think* says mod_perl already exists, but the window then closes
before I get a chance to really see it!

If indeed it says that mod_perl is already installed, this
may mean that it found an Apache/2.0 installation, and
had previously installed mod_perl for it. Do you have
both an Apache/2.0 and Apache/2.2 installed?

One way to tell which one it's installing for is to
notice which files it downloads - if it fetches
mod_perl.tar.gz and mod_perl.so, it's doing so for
Apache/2.0, while if it gets mod_perl-2.2.tar.gz and
mod_perl-2.2.so, it's using Apache/2.2. Which ones
are they getting for you?

Is there a log created for this script anywhere?

No - perhaps I could put that in; it'd help for situations
like this.

After all this, I no-longer have a mod_perl-2.2.so file in my
Apache2.2\modules directory.

The installation, when successful, will copy the downloaded
mod_perl-2.2.so to your Apache2 modules directory, and
rename it to mod_perl.so. Do you have a mod_perl.so there?

best regards,

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