Boysenberry Payne wrote:
  I'm not very familiar with Apache on OSX, does it by default
  run setuid and/or setgid?  Also are you running with taint on?

  There was an issue with Apache::SmallProf and Apache::DProf when
  running under taint mode, and I'm curious if it's also a problem
  for Apache::DB itself.

Yes I do have taint on.  I thought it was wise for the production server.
Should I just turn it off on my development server?
Everytim perl reads a variable under PerlOptions T, it checks the Taint flag.  
If its tainted, and you
use in an insecure way, perl does what you are seeing.

This is not specific to mod_perl.

You didn't read perldoc perlsec as I suggested before, so I'll paste it for 
clarity this time:

$path = $ENV{'PATH'};       # Tainted, but see below
$data = 'abc';              # Not tainted

system "echo $arg";         # Insecure
system "/bin/echo", $arg;   # Considered insecure
                                       # (Perl doesn't know about /bin/echo)
system "echo $hid";         # Insecure
system "echo $data";        # Insecure until PATH set

$path = $ENV{'PATH'};       # $path now tainted
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};

$path = $ENV{'PATH'};       # $path now NOT tainted
system "echo $data";        # Is secure now!

You _must_ untaint $ENV{PATH}.  It just so happens that TermReady key is 
getting hit before your code.
Its doing a system() or some other such thing which makes use of $ENV{PATH} to 
find commands.

Philip M. Gollucci ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 323.219.4708
Consultant /
Senior Software Engineer - TicketMaster -
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