
I have a problem running threads under mod perl. I always get a "zero sized 
reply" in the browser
and I get a segfault "signal Segmentation fault" in the apache error log

It works fine under normal cgi.

Note: I have perl 5.8.6 and Apache2.0 with mod-perl2.0.2

When typing: perl -V:useithreads -V:usemultiplicity
I get: useithreads='define';

Here the simple test script I am trying to run:

use threads;

$thr = threads->new(\&sub1);
@ReturnData = $thr->join;

print "Thread returned @ReturnData \n";

sub sub1 {
        return "Fifty-six", "foo", 2;

Is there anything required which I missed?

Thanks in advance

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