>>Hi all!
>>   Our company has a backoffice project written on C++ ( Qt ) for Linux
>>by my department. But nessesity appear's to make WEB interface, with all
>>functions which our C++ program does. Now I have to choose among a lot
>>of languages and technologies of WEB development.
>>   I have a lot of experience with perl, and we already have an Apache
>>2 WEB server, so first, I look at  mod_perl. Reading documentation and
>>making some practice with mod_perl, I didn't find ( or understand ) how
>>to solve some, for my point of view, standart tasks.
>>   1. Reading form parameters ( i.e. POST data of request header ).
>Use CGI.pm or libapreq also known as Apache2::Request.
Thanks a lot. This modules really helped me.

>>   2. Result of first question  :)  Sessions.
>>   As I understand, I need session to save ( restore ) user data
>>between requests. What for ? Now I'll try to explain.

Well, can you post me short example of how to use Apache::Session with
I wan't make FirstHandle, which will be executed when user come to
"/debitor" path. Connection
to database will established in this handle. Then, when user go to the
"/debitor/result" path,
the SecondHadle will be executed, with the same ( as in FirstHandle )
database connection.

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