On Aug 1, 2006, at 6:25 AM, Vladimir S. Tikhonjuk wrote:
Well, when I put "use Apache::DBI" into Apache-DBI-startup.pl script -
no errors.

Because you need to import Apache::DBI before you call any of its methods- same as any other perl script.

But I don't see any connections to the Database. I think, that If I use connect_on_init and have for example 5 apache processes, after starting
of apache I will get 5 database connections.

That is the expected behavior.

connect_on_init connects on each child process initialization-- you get 1 db handle per apache child.

If you have 5 apache processes and connect 10 times, you will only be sharing 5 handles- one per child.

connect_on_init does not share 1 db handle for all apaches. that would be a logistical nightmare, and your system would not work.

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