On Aug 11, 2006, at 7:06 PM, Mark Hedges wrote:
This happened to me when running up2date on rhel4 too.

Had to re-install all CPAN modules.

We used Apache2/Mod_perl2 compiled from source because the
RedHate vendor lib distrib of Apache2/mod_perl1.99 and savagely
hacked libraries suck eggs and serve no purpose other than to
rope your organization into their platform.

You know, a big plus that I've enjoyed recently on FreeBSD is this:

        August 9, 2006 8:21:49 PM EDT
                From [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                [ANNOUNCE] libapreq2-2.08 Released

        Thu, 10 Aug 2006 09:30:16 GMT
                From [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Update: www/libapreq2 2.07 -> 2.08, portlint fixes, update 

Before I even got a chance to download the libapreq update, Philip ported it to freebsd too.

When you're stressed and overworked, you have no fucking clue how awesome that is.

FreeBSD is just too damn good.

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