From any command line, try:

        perl -MModPerl::RegistryLoader

        At least in 2.0.1, that causes this error:

        Bareword "Apache2::ServerUtil::server_root" not allowed while "strict 
subs" in use at 
 line 74.

        However, the script properly uses Apache2::ServerUtil, which does
indeed have a subroutine called server_root.

        This is not a problem when Apache uses the module, only when you try to
compile a command-line script that uses ModPerl::RegistryLoader.

        Why would I want to do that, you ask? Well, we have a test suite that
makes sure all our scripts compile. One of those scripts is our mod_perl
startup script, which uses ModPerl::RegistryLoader. So, it would be nice
if it would compile from the command line. There's no reason for it
*not* to compile--I can't figure out why it's failing.

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