I started as a PHP/Javascript guy, then moved to Perl.
Perl has proven to be way more flexible a language to
program in, a pro to me, a con to some.

Besides its support for myriad programming styles, CPAN
offers hundreds, if not thousands of open source modules
to use with perl.  This is good for rapid development as well
as rapid learning of the syntax.  I could find that in the PHP

As far as mod_perl with apache goes, there are others on
this list who can answer the details of a comparison better
than I.  What I will say is mod_perl has proven to be more
scalable and much faster on my production servers.

Basically, I let our users have php for their script, but stick
to mod_perl for mine.

I think its easier to really bring down a whole server with
mod_perl than it is with php.  Both can be dangerous in
the wrong hands, but PHP seems easier for novice programmers
and for small quick self contained projects.  I don't know
of anything else as well behaved and robust as mod_perl
for the serious programmer; I prefer it to Java any day...


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On Aug 29, 2006, at 1:20 PM, Adriano Ferreira wrote:

Hi, mod_perl people.

I am preparing a presentation about technologies which make Perl more
visible. In this vein, I would like to say a few words about mod_perl.
But I am short of knowledge on this subject and need to understand
some things about it, to sound convivincing. Then I dare to bother
the list with some questions. I will be very grateful by your answers,
even if they are "Dull question. Read this and read that, add two and
two, make four and bug me not."

Q: how does mod_perl compares to PHP? Both are interpreters inside the
Apache web server, ain't it? I am interested in all shades of
distinction and similarity here: performance, cost, safety, marketing,

Thanks a lot for any help.

Best regards,
Adriano Ferreira

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