On 9/11/06, Jonathan Vanasco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sep 11, 2006, at 9:17 AM, Matias Alejo Garcia wrote:
> Would you recommend Linux (Gentoo, kernel 2.6) or FreeBSD?
> What are the advantages of using FreeBSD?

mod_perl runs fine on both.  You're best off asking Gentoo or FreeBSD
user groups for their opinions on the other apps.

But i will offer this from personal experience:
        The FreeBSD ports system is really easy to use, and easy to keep
machines up to date with.  mod_perl ports tend to be made available
within hours of source release, thanks to Phillip who is maintaining
both a chunk of the mp/libapreq code AND the FreeBSD port-- for me
that was a huge selling point.

Important issue! Thanks for letting me know. I was afraid about freeBSD update status.

        I find linux , lately, has offered a bit more options for debugging
and tracing memory, so i've been running a test server with ubuntu.
I've been really happy with it- its like debian, but with packages
that are well maintained.

I will check ubuntu, I thought it was desktop oriented.

Thanks your answer.


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