Frank Wiles wrote:
  What I typically recommend to people is that they use a template
  engine like  You simply pass it a Perl data
  structure and then you have all of the same transformation
  possibilities as XSLT ( at least as I understand it ).  And if you
ever need the data as XML, you simply create a template for that ( or pass a special option to your handlers to return XML, etc. ).

FWIW TT doesn't quite have the same transformation possibilities as XSLT (and on the flip side, XSLT doesn't quite have the same data input possibilities as TT). There's quite a big gap between the two in terms of those concepts.

I prefer the XSLT way - there's WAY too much code creeps into TT stylesheets for my liking (it may be the TT syntax, but it's still code), but mileage definitely varies on the opinions there.

Personally I prefer TAL (AxKit2 supports TAL for XML) for the simple stuff, and XSLT for the more complex stuff.


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