I guess you could try to do something dynamic with <Perl> blocks in your httpd.conf ...

    open(NEW_MODULE, '>Startup.pm');
    print NEW_MODULE (
      "package Startup;\n" .
      "our $arg_1 = 'dv1';

then within startup.pl you do ...

use Startup;  (or require "Startup.pm")
if($Startup::arg_1 eq 'dv1')
     #do something ...

I've never done anything like this but it should work, in theory (I think :-)
- Jeff

----- Original Message ----
From: Geronimo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: modperl@perl.apache.org
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 1:58:58 PM
Subject: passing an argument to startup.pl

I need to pass an argument to startup.pl, in order to associate Apache2 with a specific version of an app. The app version has a simple identifier, say 'dv1'.
What I'm trying to do is emulate passing an argument on the command line, which will show up in @ARGV, like;
$ /devel/startup.pl dv1
I've tried various things, like quoting the call to startup.pl in httpd.conf;
PerlRequire "/devel/startup.pl dv1"
which doesn't work, as PerlRequire sees dv1 as a second argument to itself. All the methods I've looked at for setting environment variables don't get visibility until the server is up and running, which is fair enough.
None so far, except this workaround
# in http.conf:
# fake addition to @INC
PerlSwitches -I/devel/dv1
PerlRequire "/devel/startup.pl"
# in startup.pl
.. pull /devel/dv1 off @INC with a grep
Any suggestions of a more worthy solution would be appreciated.
# "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
#   - Dr. Seuss

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