Okey so this is the situation I have right now:
0)mysql based application
1)server with mod_perl
2)client is browser for time being, might be a mobile terminal or "custom
client application" in the future
3)testing ( with perl-unit )
3.1)testing package method functionality separately from the ui
3.2)testing web interface of the entire application with LWP::UserAgent and 
4)transformation of XML web interface to XHTML with XSLT.

This all works very well. I can test and verify each package method, as well
as each XML page that is returned by the server and validate that all elements
are there and has correct content.

The thing is:I'd like to discuss the issues that might arise as the
development goes on further with this way of working. As for now, I am happy
with what I am doing, it feels quite good and correct:but=>if anyone has
experience working this way I'd like to know what you/they have experienced.

Comments and feedback welcome, ( as always )

Thank you
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