On Oct 25, 2006, at 9:48 PM, Will Fould wrote:

I've started testing a handler (configured at '/') that parses $r- >uri and checks the object, doing a redirect accordingly, but this seems wasteful for every hit.
I've thought about using the handler for only 404...

Personally, i use a dispatch table and dispatch regex system -- sample organization code below

i see if a stripped uri is in the dispatch, if its not i loop/recurse regex trees looking for matches/better matches

if i get nothing, then i go 404

the static and regex lookups are negligible. i think they're like 1/50000 seconds, or soemthing ridiculously fast like that on my slowest box


use constant URL_Dispatch=> {
        '/'=> 'FindMeOn::Syndicate::Base::Default',
        '_default'=> 'FindMeOn::Syndicate::Base::Default',
        '/findmeon/visit/'=> 'FindMeOn::Syndicate::Base::Findmeon::Visit',

use constant URL_RegexDispatch=> [
                regex=> qr/^\/findmeon\//,
                sections=> [
                        # findmeon-embeds , links
                                'regex'         => 
                                'package'       => 
                                'id_fields'=> ['hex_id']

// Jonathan Vanasco

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