CC-ing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the hopes that someone (**cough**wrowe?**cough**) might shed some deeper insight into why things were/are done the way they are, and what, if anything, would be needed to be done to make things better.

I don't think that the problem is mod_perl, as much as the winnt MPM in Apache2. The bottom line is that if anything goes wrong, you need the singleton child process to recycle itself, and very often in the case of mod_perl that can take a long time. But the essential problem still exists with PHP, mod_python, even theoretically in a minimal vanilla httpd install.


Foo JH wrote:
This is a disappointing piece of news. Perl itself is very useful on the Windows environment. If modperl cannot be reliably deployed on Windows, how can we expect the Windows developers (which form the majority of developers) to consider adopting perl/ modperl for the enterprise?

I hope we can find people who can testify otherwise...

Issac Goldstand wrote:
YES! While it's acceptable for light and smallish applications, I've never found it to be really usable once you're serving concurrent connections.


Foo JH wrote:
Hello guys,

Just want to get some feedback from people here who use MP2 on Windows for their production enviromment. For myself I have done MP2 on both FreeBSD and Windows platforms, and it seems to me that the FreeBSD combo is more reliable. The Windows version on occasion (but sure to happen) will throw out an error, and Apache will restart automatically. Does anyone share the same experience?

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