On Sun, 26 Nov 2006 13:36:55 -0500
Patrick Galbraith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I'm in the process of trying to get this PerlTransHandler which does
> a redirect back to the handler in such a way that once they log in, 
> instead of "/handler/" being the URI, it becomes "/handler/username". 
> I'm able to get a simple version of this, just for proof of concept, 
> that takes input from a form value called "op", and redirects 
> "/handlername/" to "/handlername/edit" for instance, if "op" is equal
> to "edit". That works. So, the next step is to get the username, but
> _only_ if the user is logged in.
> Currently, I have the main application handler do authentication
> simply by checking username and password to the database (md5 hex of
> the password) and if it matches, set a session cookie, which for
> every subsequent operation is checked, and if set, the user is seen
> as logged in.
> My PerlTransHandler that I wrote runs much earlier than the primary 
> application handler, and I then though "should this handle the 
> authentication", then reading even further, should I move
> authentication to a PerlAuthenHandler (?). I would still want to use
> my login page (not the login dialogue you obtain using .htpassword).
> Having not coded mod_perl apps in a while, but remember somewhere
> that this is pretty easy to do, I'm wondering if this is indeed a
> good idea.

   You'll definitely want to use PerlAuth*Handlers here.  That's what
   they are there for.  Also, if you want to make things simple you
   can just set $r->user() to the username and then it is available
   to all of your other phases, just like BasicAuth. 

   Oh and yes, you can use your own login forms with these. 
> Also, another question. I am coding this so it will work on a number
> of apache/mod_perl versions, which includes allowing it to run using
> CGI, which I've found using PerlTransHandler requires me to set
> PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
> to my httpd-perl.conf. What are the repercussions for using this
> setting?

   It basically turns SetHandler mod_perl into half of SetHandler
   perl-script.  Giving you a access to a the Apache request object
   from wherever, but not bothering to setup %ENV which is a slow
   down if you don't use it. 

   Frank Wiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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