
I saw a longish article on the site a while back that described how to
deploy a site so that a lightweight apache instance serves static
files, while s seperate server handles mod_perl stuff. Can't seem to
find it back though.

I'm in the the process of rewriting my site using catalyst, but also I
realised that a lot of content can just be static files, so this makes
sense. I guess the lightweight server needs to be able to identify
content that is for mod_perl by the uri, so one way might be to serve
all active content from something like (www.engoi.com/active/... ).
But, as the first part of the uri will normally be the user language,
( www.engoi.com/en/ ...) I'd rather not do it like that.

Just wondering what my options are in configuring this. Can anyone
point me at useful links, or give some hints?

thank you.


Daniel McBrearty
email : danielmcbrearty at gmail.com
www.engoi.com : the multi - language vocab trainer
BTW : 0873928131

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