I'm hitting a location on my server with:


#use APR::Const -compile => qw(:common :error);
use APR::Const qw(:common :error);

sub handler {
   my $r = shift;
   my $req = Apache2::Request->new($r);
   my $foo;
#   eval {$foo = $req->param('foo')};
   $foo = $req->param('foo');
   my $args_error = $req->args_status();
   my $body_error = $req->body_status();
   my $param_error = $req->param_status();

Whether $foo is defined or not (using eval or not)
$args_error is always defined as 'Error 0' and 
the other two are 'Missing input data'.  How does
it know that input data is missing?  What am I doing
so wrong that I never get APR_SUCCESS?


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