On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, Aaron Hawryluk wrote:

Hi list,

I'm having trouble with mod_perl 2.0 (latest stable build) - I have it set
up to run all my old cgi programs through an aliased directory
(perl-bin->cgi-bin with the mod_perl filters turned on in apache).  However,
when running under mod_perl, my output gets garbled characters added to it,
even when I specify the charset for output in the HTML code.

Here it is under my old CGI model (which is now far too CPU-intensive):

And here it is under mod_perl:

The upshot - for some reason, using exactly the same libraries to publish
content, when run under mod_perl apostrophes become "’".  Anyone have any
idea why? Our publishing system doesn't use any strange character sets -
it's a straight DBD::mysql call to get the results for an article and
straight search-and-replace type regular expressions to place the content in
the templates. Anyone ever seen anything like this?

- does your mysql have any special character set

- are you using the most current DBD-mysql?

- does you Apache server have any special character
set directives:

- is the script having the problems, presumably running under ModPerl::Registry, the same as the cgi script?

best regards,
Randy Kobes

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