Mark Stosberg wrote:

Recently I ran into a bug with File::MMagic where it returns
inconsistent results under mod_perl.

Could it simply be a matter of fixing the use of the DATA handle, as
Stats suggest here?[EMAIL 

Yep.  It's definitly the problem.  The work around is to pass a magic
definition file into MMagic when the object is created. Easier said than done.

Maybe the best solution is move the DATA section to a variable.  It's
not as elegant as reading the data from a DATA section, but it's
mod_perl compliant.

Hmm... You might try adding this to your (or whatever is per-loading perl modules).

# a bit of a hack
use vars qw($magicObject);
  if($ENV{MOD_PERL}) {
    # load from <DATA>
    $magicObject = File::MMagic->new();
    # save it globally
      no strict;
      # save original method
      *{"File::MMagic::original_new"} = *{"File::MMagic::new"}{CODE};
      # replace original method
      *{"File::MMagic::new"} = sub {
        return $magicObject;
    } # end no strict

It's untested. And it probably leaks memory, too.  :(


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