Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
> A lot of the issues that Zend address in their products are
> fixing up the general release of PHP which is filled with
> security issues and configuration problems.

Care to back that up?

> Zend makes their money by releasing a better version of PHP
> that is less buggy and has less security issues.

That's why Yahoo, Wikipedia, Flickr, Digg, and others don't use Zend
products. They like the buggy and insecure PHP. Or, maybe you don't know
what you're talking about. I can't decide.

Getting back on topic...

OmniTI (my employer) supports many large-scale web sites, most of which
are Perl and PHP. I'm sure we're not the only consulting company that
can help those who need Perl support.

You might not see "Perl support" advertised much, because that's not
exactly what's being offered. For example, like many consulting
companies, we support the needs of our clients, whatever those may be.
If we manage a client's web site, we do whatever it takes to make sure
that web site runs smoothly 24/7. In most cases, clients don't care
whether their web site is built with Perl; they just want it to work.

For those who have more specific needs, "Perl support" is too generic to
describe them anyway. As someone else rightly asked, what sort of
support do you need? I'm sure there are many, many options.


Chris Shiflett

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