
i am doing a little research on adopting Perl into our
dev group. 

we are a small team (8) that mostly programming in
Java . since half of the team has a little or ok
knowlege of Perl, we have been experimenting Perl in
smaller  projects to avoid a lot of java related
overhead. most of our app are serving other department
staff or students (we are a big university)

current Perl projects are written in plain cgi and
hosted on one server serving small volume of people.

we are exploring the idea of writing medium to large
Perl apps in the future which will require mod_perl.
the current environment is apache 1.3.  having read
modperl's doc and i am concerned about running
multiple unrelated mod_perl apps on one server, such
as 2 or 3 medium Perl apps. ( issue like database
handler pollution etc which i know little about )

mod_perl 2 seems solve the problem with virtual host
which will require us to adopt apache 2 and use
virtual host.

my understanding may be false but i would like to hear
your point of view and help me figure out the problem
we may have if we decide to use more Perl in our



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