I notice that at the top it references Apache/2.2.4. I attenpted to use 2.2.4 first and when that did not work configured, compiled and installed 2.0.59. Is there a leftover that may be causing this problem?

Log contents:

END in modperl_extra.pl, pid=7593
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:01 2007] [notice] Apache/2.2.4 (Unix) world domination series/2.0 mod_perl/2.0.3 Perl/v5.8.8 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:01 2007] [info] Server built: Mar 20 2007 21:35:24
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:01 2007] [debug] prefork.c(991): AcceptMutex: sysvsem (default: sysvsem)

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:38 2007] [info] [client] TestAPI::aplog test in progress

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
This log message comes with no header

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:38 2007] [debug] aplog.pm(71): log_serror test 1

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:38 2007] [debug] aplog.pm(83): (20014)Internal error: log_serror test 2

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:38 2007] [crit] [client] (20007)No time was provided and one was required.: log_rerror test

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:38 2007] [error] $r->log_error test

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:38 2007] [error] $s->log_error test

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:38 2007] [error] access to /TestAPI__aplog failed for, reason: $r->log_reason test

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:38 2007] [error] access to filename failed for, reason: $r->log_reason filename test

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:38 2007] [debug] aplog.pm(144): TestAPI::aplog test done
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:38 2007] [notice] [client] This message should appear with LogLevel=error!

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:38 2007] [warn] $s->warn test

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:38 2007] [warn] Apache2::ServerRec::warn test

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:38 2007] [warn] Apache2::ServerRec::warn test

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:33:38 2007] [warn] warn test

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:34:09 2007] [error] Process 7602 terminates itself\n
[Thu Mar 22 21:34:14 2007] [error] [client] Handler for modperl returned invalid result code 2 [Thu Mar 22 21:34:14 2007] [error] [client] Handler for modperl returned invalid result code 2 # Failed test 3 in /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestAPI/server_const.pm at line 39

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:35:28 2007] [error] Apache::log_error test ok

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:35:28 2007] [warn] Apache->warn ok

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:35:28 2007] [warn] Apache::warn ok

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:35:28 2007] [warn] Apache::Server->warn ok

*** The following warn entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:35:28 2007] [warn] Apache::Server::warn ok

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:36:12 2007] [error] [client] APR::Socket::recv: (11) Resource temporarily unavailable at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestError/runtime.pm line 156

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:36:12 2007] [error] [client] Undefined subroutine &TestError::runtime::no_such_func called at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestError/runtime.pm line 150.\n

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:36:12 2007] [error] [client] APR::Socket::recv: (11) Resource temporarily unavailable at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestError/runtime.pm line 156\n\tTestError::runtime::mp_error('APR::Socket=SCALAR(0x947b1f8)') called at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestError/runtime.pm line 75\n\tTestError::runtime::die_hook_confess_mp_error('Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x9474560)', 'APR::Socket=SCALAR(0x947b1f8)') called at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestError/runtime.pm line 31\n\tTestError::runtime::handler('Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x9474560)') called at -e line 0\n\teval {...} called at -e line 0\n

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:36:12 2007] [error] [client] Undefined subroutine &TestError::runtime::no_such_func called at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestError/runtime.pm line 150.\n at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestError/runtime.pm line 150\n\tTestError::runtime::non_mp_error('APR::Socket=SCALAR(0x96886b0)') called at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestError/runtime.pm line 82\n\tTestError::runtime::die_hook_confess_non_mp_error('Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x965d498)', 'APR::Socket=SCALAR(0x96886b0)') called at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestError/runtime.pm line 31\n\tTestError::runtime::handler('Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x965d498)') called at -e line 0\n\teval {...} called at -e line 0\n

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:36:12 2007] [error] [client] custom die hook: APR::Socket::recv: (11) Resource temporarily unavailable at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestError/runtime.pm line 156 at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestError/runtime.pm line 87.\n

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:36:12 2007] [error] [client] custom die hook: Undefined subroutine &TestError::runtime::no_such_func called at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestError/runtime.pm line 150.\n

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:36:14 2007] [error] [client] failed to resolve handler `TestError::syntax': syntax error at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestError/syntax.pm line 17, near "\\;"\nCompilation failed in require at (eval 180) line 3.\n

*** The following 2 error entries are expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:36:34 2007] [error] [client] This filter must die at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/filter/TestFilter/in_error.pm line 26.\n [Thu Mar 22 21:36:34 2007] [error] [client] Apache2::RequestIO::read: (120001) filter handler has failed at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/filter/TestFilter/in_error.pm line 41 [Thu Mar 22 21:37:32 2007] [error] [client] Undefined subroutine &TestHooks::error::bomb called at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/hooks/TestHooks/error.pm line 21.\n [Thu Mar 22 21:37:32 2007] [error] [client] Undefined subroutine &TestHooks::error::bomb called at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/hooks/TestHooks/error.pm line 21.\n

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:37:54 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/htdocs/nope

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:38:46 2007] [error] [client] need AuthName: /TestModperl__setauth

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:38:52 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/htdocs/TestModperl__status [Thu Mar 22 21:38:52 2007] [error] [client] Handler for modperl returned invalid result code 601 [Thu Mar 22 21:38:52 2007] [error] [client] Handler for modperl returned invalid result code 1

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
[Thu Mar 22 21:38:52 2007] [error] [client] Died at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/response/TestModperl/status.pm line 24.\n

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
Argument "foobar" isn't numeric.

*** The following error entry is expected and harmless ***
Argument "foo9bar" isn't numeric.
[Thu Mar 22 21:39:05 2007] [error] server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting Constant subroutine Apache2::Reload::Test::const redefined at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/blib/lib/ModPerl/Util.pm line 69, <fh00001perlfunc.pod> line 7040. Subroutine subpackage redefined at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/lib/Apache2/Reload/Test.pm line 7, <fh00001perlfunc.pod> line 7040. Subroutine run redefined at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/lib/Apache2/Reload/Test.pm line 9, <fh00001perlfunc.pod> line 7040. Subroutine simple redefined at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/lib/Apache2/Reload/Test.pm line 15, <fh00001perlfunc.pod> line 7040. Prototype mismatch: sub Apache2::Reload::Test::const: none vs () at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/constant.pm line 103, <fh00001perlfunc.pod> line 7040. Subroutine prototype redefined at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/lib/Apache2/Reload/Test.pm line 17, <fh00001perlfunc.pod> line 7040. Constant subroutine Apache2::Reload::Test::const redefined at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/blib/lib/ModPerl/Util.pm line 69, <fh00001perlfunc.pod> line 7040. Subroutine subpackage redefined at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/lib/Apache2/Reload/Test.pm line 7, <fh00001perlfunc.pod> line 7040. Subroutine run redefined at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/lib/Apache2/Reload/Test.pm line 9, <fh00001perlfunc.pod> line 7040. Subroutine simple redefined at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/lib/Apache2/Reload/Test.pm line 15, <fh00001perlfunc.pod> line 7040. Prototype mismatch: sub Apache2::Reload::Test::const: none vs () at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/constant.pm line 103, <fh00001perlfunc.pod> line 7040. Subroutine prototype redefined at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/lib/Apache2/Reload/Test.pm line 17, <fh00001perlfunc.pod> line 7040. Constant subroutine Apache2::Reload::Test::const redefined at /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/blib/lib/ModPerl/Util.pm line 69, <fh00001perlfunc.pod> line 7040. [Thu Mar 22 21:39:47 2007] [error] [client] user stas: authentication failure for "/": Password Mismatch
[Thu Mar 22 21:39:52 2007] [info] Child process pid=7619 is exiting
[Thu Mar 22 21:39:52 2007] [info] Child process pid=7619 is exiting - server push
END in modperl_extra.pl, pid=7619
[Thu Mar 22 21:39:52 2007] [info] Child process pid=7787 is exiting
[Thu Mar 22 21:39:52 2007] [info] Child process pid=7787 is exiting - server push
END in modperl_extra.pl, pid=7787
[Thu Mar 22 21:39:52 2007] [info] Child process pid=7601 is exiting
[Thu Mar 22 21:39:52 2007] [info] Child process pid=7601 is exiting - server push
END in TestModperl::print, pid=7601
END in modperl_extra.pl, pid=7601
[Thu Mar 22 21:39:52 2007] [info] removed PID file /usr/src/mod_perl-2.0.3/t/logs/httpd.pid (pid=7597)
[Thu Mar 22 21:39:52 2007] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
END in modperl_extra.pl, pid=7597

Perrin Harkins wrote:
On 3/22/07, Eric Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[  error] error running tests (please examine t/logs/error_log)

What did you find in t/logs/error_log?

- Perrin

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