
I doubt this is specifically a modperl problem but if not, perhaps someone can 
point me to a better group to post this message with?

First, I am using:

modperl 2.0.x
perl 5.8.5

I have a page on a site where users can upload as many pictures as they like.  
I am using the cgi class and about every 3rd picture can not be uploaded.  A 
dump of the cgi object looks as follows:

Fri Mar 30 10:28:53 2007        $cgi = bless( {
                '.parameters' => [
                'file1' => [
                             bless( \*{'Fh::fh00001Seating Chart wout 
thrust.jpg'}, 'Fh' )
                'file4' => [
                'file3' => [
\*{'Fh::fh00003Sheridan_Opera_Hoise_Mani_Floor.gif'}, 'Fh' )
                '.tmpfiles' => {
                                 '22' => {
                                           'info' => {
                                                       'Content-Type' => 
                                                       'Content-Disposition' => 
'form-data; name="file3"; filename="Sheridan_Opera_Hoise_Mani_Floor.gif"'
                                           'name' => bless( do{\(my $o = 
'/usr/tmp/CGItemp5681')}, 'CGITempFile' ),
                                           'hndl' => $cgi->{'file3'}[0]
                                 '16' => {
                                           'info' => {
                                                       'Content-Type' => 
                                                       'Content-Disposition' => 
'form-data; name="file2"; filename="Sheridan_Opera_Hoise_Balcony.gif"'
                                           'name' => bless( do{\(my $o = 
'/usr/tmp/CGItemp5680')}, 'CGITempFile' ),
                                           'hndl' => bless( 
\*{'Fh::fh00002Sheridan_Opera_Hoise_Balcony.gif'}, 'Fh' )
                                 '15' => {
                                           'info' => {
                                                       'Content-Type' => 
                                                       'Content-Disposition' => 
'form-data; name="file1"; filename="Seating Chart wout thrust.jpg"'
                                           'name' => bless( do{\(my $o = 
'/usr/tmp/CGItemp5679')}, 'CGITempFile' ),
                                           'hndl' => $cgi->{'file1'}[0]
                'file2' => [
                '.r' => bless( do{\(my $o = 138325528)}, 'Apache2::RequestRec' 
                '.charset' => 'ISO-8859-1',
                '.fieldnames' => {},
                'escape' => 1
              }, 'CGI' );

You can see that 'file2' does not seem be properly blessed to a Fh, even though 
the file is listed in the cgi tmpfiles hash.
Any ideas on how to debug the problem?  I don't know if this a perl, cgi, linux 
or isp problem.  Any ideas are greatly appreciated.



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