>>>>> "Martijn" == Martijn  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Martijn> It sounds all nice and interesting, but the article is from 2000 and
Martijn> when I search for the module name, Google has hardly any other
Martijn> results. Which could mean that either it works so perfectly well that
Martijn> no one even bothered to write a documentation, or that it is outdated,
Martijn> replaced by something better and shouldn't be used anymore. My guess
Martijn> would be the latter.

Since I wrote it for a column, the code was owned by the magazine.  Later, I
learned to first (a) have an idea (b) write the code (c) publish the code to
CPAN (d) write the magazine article about it.  That order works much
better. :) I've written probably a few dozen things that would have been nice
CPAN modules, but are tied up in ownership tangles.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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