Hi Folks,

I just discovered that version of Apache::TestMB (no version string)
from Apache-Test 1.29 is ignoring the -apxs= flags passed on the command
line. E.g., `perl Build.PL -axps=/usr/sbin/apxs2`.  I'm suspecting that
this is probably my fault as I've created my own subclass so that I can
add hooks into ACTION_(code|build|install|clean) to build some nested
autotooled code.  As an example here are the first few lines of my

my $build_pkg   = eval { require Apache::TestMB }
                ? 'Apache::TestMB'
                : 'Module::Build';

my $class = $build_pkg->subclass(code => <<'EOF');
use Apache::TestMB;
@ISA = qw( Apache::TestMB );

my $pkg_dir = "./nebclient";

sub ACTION_code {
    my $self = shift;


    my $old_pwd = $ENV{PWD};
    chdir $pkg_dir;

    unless (-e "configure") {
        system("./autogen.sh") == 0 or die "install failed: $?";

    chdir $old_pwd;


As with ACTION_code(), All of my action handlers invoke SUPER as their
first action.  Any ideas as to what I've done to squash the apxs param?

Example of apxs being ignored:
$ perl Build.PL -axps=/foo/bar
$ ./Build test
$ grep -iR apxs t
t/conf/apache_test_config.pm:                 'APXS' => '/usr/sbin/apxs',
t/conf/apache_test_config.pm:                 '_apxs' => {},
t/conf/apache_test_config.pm:                             'apxs' => 
grep: t/logs/cgisock: No such device or address





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