On Apr 25, 2007, at 4:48 PM, Dylan Tynan wrote:

Hi folks,

Been a few years since I've worked on mod_perl & I could use a helping hand. Does anyone know if RHEL 3.0 and mod_perl 2.0.x (like 2.0.2) are more or less compatible? RHEL 3.0 ships with that semi-mutant 1.99 development track mod_perl ........ I tried upgrading (on an x86_64 arch) to 2.0.2 today and ran into endless numbers of dependencies --- basically practically causing an upgrade to 4.0 piecemeal. It started with, oddly enough, an rpm dependency failure on perl(Carp::Heavy) [yeah weird I thought]. Unfortunately, on x86_64 that doesn't seem to be available until Perl 5.8.5 (yet 5.6 on the regular x32), then the dependency trail just goes on forever with something needing something else, etc..... In looking around out there on the 'net, there was very very little info about this combination (mod_perl2 & RHEL3), and what was out there was mainly a few people w/problems.....

Anyone have any info on this combo? I ended up pretty much whacking the system (great way to start off back on mod_perl again, ugh!) so I could really really use an answer on this if anyone knows so I can pass it up the chain before I end up doing something else stupid trying to make it work, heh....

what version of perl are you running ? i'd upgrade perl to the latest available. i think there were some eval issues in 5.81 or so that caused memory leaks which are very apparent in persistant environments like modperl

your issue seems to be that you're trying to run everything via rpms , which is causing your dependency issue. try compiling from source. if you use cpan to install modperl, it'll download all of the perl dependancies for you.

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