Ignore the test case... It is actually: TestSpace.pm ------------ package TestSpace;
sub getSession { return 1; } 1; -----Original Message----- From: Tom Shaw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 26 April 2007 14:11 To: 'modperl@perl.apache.org' Subject: mp2 + SOAP - SOAP calls fail randomly Im having some mod_perl2 wierdness. Im trying to run some SOAP requests and Im getting odd things happening. Is there any reason that I should be experiencing intermittant issues dispatching SOAP methods to my class? Sometimes the methods work fine and sometimes they don't. When they don't I get the error returned in a fault string: Failed to locate method (getSession) in class (TestSpace) at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/SOAP/Lite.pm line 2586. And then sometimes it all works perfectly. Ive tried boiling all this down to a simple test case. TestSpace.pm ------------ package MediaSpace; sub getSession { return 1; } 1; I would estimate that 50% of the requests fail. Im using Apache-2.2.4 PreforkMPM/Perl 5.8.8 with no threads support, and mod_perl-2.0.3. Any ideas would be welcomed at this point in time as Im out of ideas. Cheers, Tom