Hi, I have a problem loading a perl file under mode_perl2. I want to reuse some subrutines that I have in 'perl_functions.pl' file and I am trying to call this file from 'search.pl' file.
I get this error: Can't locate ../perl_functions.pl in @INC My configuration is the following: In httpd.conf: PerlPostConfigRequire /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/www/p_scripts/perl-cgi/startup.pl In startup.pl: use lib qw(/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/www/p_scripts/perl-cgi); In search.pl: require "../perl_functions.pl"; 'startup.pl' and 'perl_functions.pl' are in the same folder but 'search.pl' is in a subfolder. I would appreciate any suggestion regarding how to solve this error. Thanks in advance.