
NEVER do an apachectl restart under mod_perl .

there's a known memory leak on that -- the master doesn't give up the memory.

you always want to do a full stop then start.

if you want to do neat stuff with switching up ports, take a look at nginx. one of the best features ive seen, is its ability to bring up a 2nd server on port 80 that uses a new config--

so you

        nginx_a::80-> apache_a::8000
        launch apache_b::8001
        nginx_b -> apache_b::8001
        ( nginx proxies to old & new config )
        stop nginx_a

completely seamless, and completely awesome.

On Jun 8, 2007, at 5:12 AM, Krist van Besien wrote:

Hello all,

I use mod_perl's <perl> sections quite intensively so that I can have
one config for all our webservers, and so that I can change some
settings easily using variables. I recently noted however that <perl>
sections are treated differently when doing a restart (httpd -k
restart) than when doing a full stop and then a start.

Let's illustrate this with a snippet form my config:
(I've removed most of the config, and only kept the bits I think are relevant)


if ( $ENV{SWITCH} eq "test" ) {
                               $backend = "testserver" ;
                       } elsif ( $ENV{SWITCH} eq "prod" ) {
                               $backend = "prodserver ;
                      } else {
                               $backend = devserver ;

$backendurl="http://"; . $backend . ":8080/app";
print STDOUT "backend url is $backendurl\n";

push @PerlConfig, split ("\n",  <<EOF);

Listen 8080
Listen 443

NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>

# define servername and other virtual host directives here.

RewriteRule ^/app/(.*)\$            http://$backendurl/\$1 [P]



The idea is that before I start the apache server I can set an
environment variable "SWITCH" to either "test" "prod" or nothing, and
have the server forward incoming requests to different backends. To
have some feedback I have the server echo what it is going to use as

Here is where it starts to get odd.

When I set the environment variable SWITCH to eg. "prod" and start the
webserver it will output the following to the terminal:
"backend url is http://prodserver:8080/app";
and requests are properly proxied to the production server.
So far so good. It is behaving exactly as expected.

When I then set SWITCH to "test" and do a server restart, using
httpd -k restart
I get the following output:
"backend url is http://testserver:8080/app";
but, and this is the odd thing, the server keeps forwarding requests
to the production server. I exepcted it to start redirecting to the
test server.
From the output I get it is obvious that the perl section gets
executed. But it is as if the @perlconfig that is created is ignored
during a restart.

When I do a httpd -k stop followed by a httpd -k start I don't have
this problem. Then everything performs as expected.

Why is this?


Bremgarten b. Bern, Switzerland
A: It reverses the normal flow of conversation.
Q: What's wrong with top-posting?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What's the biggest scourge on plain text email discussions?

// Jonathan Vanasco

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